Looking Forward

Thank you to each and every person who is participating in every aspect of this process. Thank you to those who began working, planning, and attending to the details which were necessary to position our church to even be in this conversation. 

Thank you to those who are engaging in the church meetings, prayer meetings, Sunday school class discussions, and private discussions to get as much information as possible for making an informed decision. Your diligence as a church to seek wisdom and work together speaks to your love and investment in Forest Hills. Thank you to those who privately and publicly addressed concerns about the processes and Forest Hills' future. You have been heard, and your concerns are valid.


We will continue to seek God's wisdom and guidance in all the decisions we make. This is a season of change in our lives as individuals and, corporately, in our church. For the casual attendant to our worship services, there may be no noticeable change other than our publication logos, for we will continue to worship and serve God like we always have. But for those who have been, or are, deeply involved in the polity and doctrine of our now former denomination, the change is deeper, and may include some apprehension about where God is leading us next. Join us as we pray and seek God together.